June wrap-up stuffs

Hello hello, my friends!

My birthday month is over and July is here. And you know what July means? Oh, that’s right – it’s Camp Nanowrimo time! For this round of Camp, I’ve decided to do a little something different. Rather than work on my novel via writing or editing because why edit when you could procrastinate, I’ll be posting a NEW BLOG POST EVERY DAY IN JULY.

Yes, with the all caps. No, I’m not sorry for screaming. I need your help to stay accountable! Feel free to message me and send writing encouragements. Woot woot!

So… here’s post one:

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Holiday Haul

I decided to gather up all of the bookish and geeky goodies I’ve bought and received over the holidays (beginning with Thanksgiving). I’ve never really done a haul before, and I think it would be a really nice idea and a great way to keep track of all of my things.

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