Classic Fridays: Back to School

Welcome back to Classic Fridays, friends! This weekly meme is created by the wonderful Team Gray members of BBCP (Book Blogger Creativity Project). Today we’re discussing all bookish things related to school, and even though I’ve graduated, some of my favorite (and least favorite) book finds came from a required reading list. Let’s do this!

classic fridays

How many books do you read per month during the school year?

In school I read almost nothing except what was required, since I really didn’t have the time. I’m going to guess that I read at least one whole book per month during school, but they were all required readings. (Except for those two times that I blew off all my homework to binge read Harry Potter -for the first time- and The Hunger Games series)

Do you usually enjoy reading books assigned by your school?

You know what? I actually did enjoy the majority of my assigned books. Which is surprising when I remember how much I complained about needed to read them.

What has been your favorite assigned read?

23519932Oh, man. The way this question is phrased, it looks like I should only answer with one book. I did just recently gush about my love for Holes, so I’ll pick a high school book for my answer instead. I really, really liked The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. I don’t even remember why at this point, but it’s still on my favorites list. Perhaps I should reread it and see if it still deserves to be in that coveted spot.

Which required read was the hardest to get through and why?

12703One hundred percent, without a doubt, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Oh my lanta, I couldn’t stand that book. I hated it so much, this goodie-two-shoes teacher’s pet made Wuthering Heights my very first DNFed book. I quit half way through, and read CliffNotes for the rest. Come to think of it, this might have been the first novel I read that primarily dealt with a love story. Ten years later, I still hate romance novels.

Were they always classic novels or also recent books?

In high school, all my required reads were classic fiction, but in college, they were recent books, and mostly non-fiction.

Which books do you wish your school would mark as “required reading” and why?

I do wish I would have read The Catcher in the RyeThe Outsiders, and Lord of the Flies in high school. I was in a different program than most other students, so we read different books. To this day there’s pop culture references I miss out on simply because I didn’t read these three stories with everyone else.

What is one book that you had to read for school?


I feel like everyone had to read To Kill a Mockingbird at some point. I did. Did you?

What genre was it in? Is it something that you normally read?

Oh, um, I don’t know. Is it general fiction? Realistic fiction? I’m not sure. But no, it’s not my normal read. My favorite go-to genre is urban fantasy.

Would you have picked up this book by yourself?

That would be a no. I mean, do you see the title? I would walk away so fast!

What activities did your class do with this book?

Well, I’m sure we discussed it in class and took a few comprehension quizzes and a test. We also watched the movie, which was pretty cool.

Let me know in the comments what your favorite school read has been!

Till we meet again! Dominique

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